Lawn Fertilization Tips for New Homeowners


Taking a big step in life is being a proud new homeowner! With this, comes a lot of responsibilities of course. One of the most important features of your home is your delicate lawn. It can become the best curb appeal if well maintained, or an eyesore if forgotten. If you are a new homeowner, you may be wondering how to take care of your lawn. Lawn fertilization plays an integral role in keeping your grass healthy and vibrant. In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of lawn fertilization and give you some tips on how to get started.

The Do's and Dont's of Lawn Fertilization

Lawn fertilization is one of the most important factors that your turf relies on. There are a lot of tips you can implement to facilitate thick growth, but there are also many things you can do to ruin its natural health. Important fertilization steps include:

  • Soil Testing
  • When To Fertilize 
  • Fertilization Distribution

Soil Testing

The most important part of lawn fertilization is to test your soil. This will give you an idea of the nutrients that your turf is lacking so you can add them back in. You can buy a soil testing kit at your local hardware store or get one from a professional lawn care company. When testing your soil, the main areas of focus will be nutrients including phosphorus and potassium. These are responsible for the overall health of your lawn, so it is vital that your turf is getting enough of each nutrient to grow properly. If you are looking for the right time to test your soil, experts recommend early spring as your grass is beginning to exit the dormant phase.

When to Fertilize Your Grass

The best time to fertilize your lawn is in the early spring, just as your grass is coming out of dormancy. After testing your soil, this will give you an idea of the nutrients that your turf is lacking so you can add them back in. The key number when fertilizing your grass is to aim around 2 to 4 times a year. No matter the type of grass, your first application should start in the spring. Afterwards, it depends on your grass.

Cool Season Grasses: 

If you live in an area with cool-season grasses, fertilize early spring, early fall, and late fall (at least 6 weeks before your first expected frost date.) Cool-season grasses include: 

  • Fescues 
  • Ryegrass
  • Kentucky bluegrass
  • Bentgrass

Warm-Season Grasses:

Most active in the summer, this type of grass needs a boost at the beginning of the growing season, followed by early summer treatments, and ending with a treatment in early fall (6-8 weeks before your first expected frost date). Warm-season grass types include: 

  • Bermuda
  • Centipede
  • Zoysia
  • St. Augustine

Fertilization Distribution

Once your soil has been tested, you'll have an idea of what it needs. Applying the right amount of fertilizer to your grass can either make or break your lawn. If you use too much, it can actually cause your grass to burn. This is why it's important to know how to spread fertilizer evenly across your lawn. The best way to do this is by using a broadcast spreader. A broadcast spreader is a machine that helps you apply an even layer of fertilizer, seed, or herbicide to your lawn. You can find one at most hardware stores or online retailers. Once you have your broadcast spreader, fill it with the appropriate amount of fertilizer for your lawn size according to the manufacturer's directions. Using the correct amount of fertilizer will give your lawn the nutrients it needs to fight off weeds, diseases, and lawn insects.

Professional Lawn Fertilization Services

We know the hassle of maintaining your yard to not only look its best but stay healthy throughout the entire year. At Dyna-Green, our lawn care technicians have over 25 years of fertilizing lawns and use organic-based products to make sure you are getting the safest treatments. Dyna-Green proudly services cities, such as Mentor and many others, around the Northeast Ohio area.

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